Teaching English in Paris is the ultimate student dream. If you want to gain teaching experience, learn French, or simply have an amazing time in Paris, a teaching job is a great opportunity. Whilst most teaching jobs abroad follow the academic year from September to June, which won’t be suitable for a student, there are plenty of vacation opportunities in the French capital. You can teach English in summer camps with short-term contracts and all expenses included. The jobs include lots of fun activities, time off to travel and a real cultural experience that you can’t get as a tourist.
Why Is Teaching English in Paris a Student’s Dream?
It’s Paris! Whether you love great food, fashion, buzzing nightlife, fine art or French culture, you can experience it all and much more in the metropolitan capital. There is never an end to opportunities and interesting things to do.
If we just consider the famous sights, from Eiffel Tower to the Louvre and Champs-Élysées Boulevard. The city has such a vibrant and engaging atmosphere that is almost the best place to visit when you are a student. It’s likely to inspire you in whatever you dream of achieving after your studies.
The reason why a teaching job is one of the best ways to visit France as a student is for both the experience and the remuneration. In a summer camp, whether your contract involves a salary or simply accommodation, meals and expenses, you will always get back more that you give. By simply sharing your English knowledge with the pupils, you also get a culture lesson, a true experience of Paris, the opportunity to make lifelong friends and have a competitive advantage on your CV. As the TEFL jobs in summer camps are quite short, it’s a great taster for teaching English abroad, to see if you like the profession and would be interested in doing it for a living.
Even if it turns out that a teacher job is not for you, the jobs in summer camps will help you develop a wide range of transferable skills that you can take with you in any profession. Some transferable skills include being adaptable, working in multicultural environments, becoming independent and self-sufficient, learning French or working with children.
What to Expect From a TEFL Summer Camp
A summer camp environment is different from the classroom. Here you will be teaching English to young learners in a fun and interactive setting. Whilst you will have some classroom-type lessons, the summer camps are usually about creating a 24/7 English-speaking environment. So you can expect to teach English lessons for a few hours and for the rest of the day lead sports games and all types of activities in English. Your contract will include accommodation and food, as well an extra ‘spending allowance’ that varies depending on your contract. The TEFL summer camps vary in duration, from 10 days at a time to 2 months.
How to Get a Job Teaching English in Summer Camps
If you want to give yourself the best competitive advantage in landing your dream teaching job in Paris, start by getting qualified with one of the accredited TEFL courses. You can learn more about TEFL and browse through an extensive library of courses tailored to suit your needs, both in terms of time and budget, here.
Once you’ve got your TEFL qualification, you are ready to apply for opportunities to teach English in summer camps. You can find up to date TEFL jobs here
If you are a resident of the European Union you won’t need a Visa to teach English in France. However, if you live in USA or a different continent, you can contact your embassy to request information on how to obtain a working Visa in France. Usually the summer camp will be able to help you with the working Visa, and provide you all the information and documents you need to obtain it.
Teaching English in Paris is truly the ultimate student dream. There are so many jobs in summer camps that will give you both professional experience and a fun time, so don’t ponder too long on it, start preparing today for that Parisian summer experience.