Jordan Rodgers is a multimedia artist who hails from Liverpool in the UK. Thanks to the Anglo-TEFL Scholarship program with our partners at Angloville, he’s now working full-time as a TEFL teacher in Krakow, Poland. He tells us a little bit about his experience with the program and his future plans.
What’s one thing that everyone should know about you?
I also work as a digital artist (you can check out Jordan’s work on his personal website).
What career did you have before you decided to get into TEFL and why did you decide to make the change to teaching English abroad?
Prior to completing the Anglo-TEFL scholarship I was working as a multimedia artist producing high quality work both as a freelancer and within a company. Hosting group discussion, workshop and community engagement projects with a range of people. Therefore, the scholarship was the next step in creatively applying my ideas/energy and motivation while offering the chance to meet interesting people from all over the world. I enjoy the adventure that travelling offers and the unforgettable experiences that only happen when you take an opportunity and go with it.
“…the scholarship was the next step in creatively applying my ideas/energy and motivation while offering the chance to meet interesting people from all over the world.”
What tips can you give people who want to teach English in Poland?
Be sure to attend the guided tour as part of the Angloville Programme as it offers the chance to explore the city you’re in and also provide the chance to meet and talk with other volunteers on the programme.
What was the best part of the Anglo-TEFL Scholarship program?
It’s being able to talk passionately about something I really enjoy and getting people interested and even excited about what they are learning. And it’s likewise during conversation to keep an open mind as we are always learning new things even if you’re a beginner, student or professional.
What are you planning to do now that you’ve completed the Anglo-TEFL Scholarship?
As a result of completing the Anglo-TEFL Scholarship and previous teacher training qualifications/hands on experience I was offered a job as a native level teacher of English at a school in Krakow, Poland. Working in an environment where my value grows as I get used to materials, lesson planning and the school itself while offering an enthusiastic and friendly nature/professional in manner and appearance.
“As a result of completing the Anglo-TEFL Scholarship and previous teacher training qualifications/hands on experience I was offered a job as a native level teacher of English at a school in Krakow, Poland.”
Would you recommend the Anglo-TEFL Scholarship to others?
Yes, I am now officially qualified as a TEFL teacher and ready to travel and teach!
Follow Jordan’s TEFL and artistic adventures in Krakow and beyond on Twitter @jordanlrodgers
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Would you like to land yourself an awesome teaching job like Jordan?
Apply for the Anglo-TEFL Scholarship and if you meet the application criteria you’ll get 120 hours of accredited TEFL training (with us, PremierTEFL) plus over 130 hours of observed teaching practice with our partners Angloville. Afterwards you’ll be fully qualified to teach English all over the world and have a wealth of practical experience that will give you an edge over other TEFL-certified teachers. Click here for more information about the program.