Feeling a little lost when it comes to all this TEFL terminology? Allow us to explain some of the important stuff you will find on our site.
TEFL Terminology – Certifications
Certifications can be described as a seal of approval for what you have managed to accomplish. In the big bad world, it is hard to say who has or hasn’t the qualifications for a job. You can test them on what they know, but that would take far too long.
Instead, the education sector uses certificates to help them tell if someone is up to the job of teaching on their behalf. Organizations like Premier TEFL issue certificates to assist organizations in identifying the best candidate for a teaching job.
A certificate like IELTS or TEFL is just to the thing you need when you want to get into the TEFL line of work. So what are they?

TEFL Terminology – IELTS and TEFL Certifications
We have already spoken about how IELTS can help your career in teaching TEFL, but what is it exactly? The International English Language Testing System is a standard of English language teaching and testing created by a group of well-established English teaching organizations to encourage a certain level of English teaching throughout the world.
The majority of English schools in the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, as well as a large number of schools in the USA, recognize it. It is frequently used to test someone’s English language proficiency, not only in TEFL but also in Visa and citizenship applications.
So what does IELTS mean for you exactly? Well, it could be the difference between your CV sporting a world-renowned certified level of teaching in English, or some nondescript cert that an employer has never heard of. IELTS is the world’s choice in English language teaching.
is simpler to explain and since you are reading this, we can presume that you already know what it means. Just to recap: TEFL means Teaching English as a Foreign Language. It is teaching the English language to a student or class who do not speak it as their first language.
It is different from regular English classes you may have grown up with as it focuses on giving students the skill to grasp the English language for themselves and become proficient English speakers and writers.
TESOL is very similar to TEFL, but it frequently appears in documents and descriptions of the course. There is no practical difference and all you need to know is that they both are more or less identical.
So now that is out of the way, you may be wondering what some of the courses on the Premier TEFL site offer you. Here is the rundown…
IELTS 30-Hour Preparation Course
This professional course instructs English teachers on how to give an IELTS preparation class. Students who want to work or study in places where the English language is used may need to take an IELTS test to show their proficiency in the English language. This course offers you, their teacher, the skills necessary to equip students for the IELTS test. An additional IELTS skill is an area of expertise that makes a qualified TEFL teacher’s resume very attractive to employers and gives the teacher much greater earning potential.
TEFL 120-Hour Online Course
This is a much longer course and incredibly important for starting your TEFL career. It goes through a step-by-step process of planning a class, carrying out the lesson, reviewing and giving support in a classroom environment. This is the perfect course for when you want to begin a career in TEFL properly and learn the basics of what you will do in the industry. For a future of travelling abroad, learning about new cultures and teaching other cultures through your language there aren’t many better options.
If you’re ready to embark on an adventure, don’t wait — get started today!
TEFL and IELTS Certification
At Premier TEFL we offer a bundle deal with both an IELTS certification and a TEFL course all rolled up into one! Having one of each is fine, but why not go the whole way and do both? Teach English abroad as an accredited teacher and do it with the knowledge that your standard of language and teaching is among the best of them.
What’s more, you have the option to extend or suspend the time available to you for completing the course should you need to. You can then reactivate it when you are ready to start again.
All the courses can be easily bought from our store here.
Find more information about TEFL terminology and our 120-hour course here!
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