“The best part of my programs were the people.”

Jake is from Las Vegas, Nevada. He’s lived abroad in Macedonia and is about to return to school to study medicine. He had a blast in Poland on the AngloTEFL Scholarship. Read about his time teaching English with our partners at Angloville.

What’s one thing that everyone should know about you?

I spent 27 months living in Macedonia as a volunteer.


What career did you have before you decided to get into TEFL and why did you decide to make the change to teaching English abroad?

I have worked with the ESL population for quite a while. I spent my university years working as an ESL tutor while I was a student at the University of Washington studying molecular biology. After graduating, I moved to Macedonia where I was a TEFL teacher at a high school for 2 years.

What tips can you give people who want to teach English in Poland?

I would recommend people that are staying there for longer periods of time to get out and explore the mountainside. It is beautiful and you will meet lots of interesting people that way.

What was the best part of your program?

The best part of my programs were the people. Every time I participated, I met and developed good relationships with the participants there, and I had an awesome time hanging out with them.


What was the biggest challenge?

The biggest challenge was moving on to something else. I enjoyed the program a lot, so I went from only planning to volunteer once to volunteering at 3 programs. Also, going to bed at night was difficult sometimes because there was always something going on.

What are you planning to do now that you’ve completed this program?

I just moved to Las Vegas and I’m getting ready to go back to school to study medicine.

Would you recommend this program to others?

I would definitely recommend the program to other people. It is a great way to get some experience working with the ESL population in a comfortable setting as well as a great networking opportunity. Plus, it is a fun and enjoyable way to spend a week.


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Apply for the Anglo-TEFL Scholarship and if you meet the application criteria you’ll get 120 hours of accredited TEFL training (with us, PremierTEFL) plus over 130 hours of observed teaching practice with our partners Angloville. Afterwards you’ll be fully qualified to teach English all over the world and have a wealth of practical experience that will give you an edge over other TEFL-certified teachers. Click here for more information about the program. 

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