Ceara Johnson is a self-professed history buff from Sydney, Australia who wound up teaching English in Poland through our Anglo-TEFL Scholarship program. Here, she shares her story and her tips for making the most out of your teaching experience.

What’s one thing that everyone should know about you?

I am a history buff, ancient history is my passion.

What career did you have before you decided to get into TEFL and why did you decide to make the change to teaching English abroad?

I have been studying and working part time in a supermarket for most of my young adult life, I have always wanted to travel and being able to teach English is a means to ensure my travels would last as long as possible.

Ceara in Angloville

What tips can you give people who want to teach English in Poland?

Poland is such a beautiful country. There is so much to see and do and the Polish people are so welcoming and friendly. My biggest piece of advice is to listen to the locals they know all the great places to go and the off the beaten track sites to see.

“Poland is such a beautiful country. There is so much to see and do and the Polish people are so welcoming and friendly.”

What was the best part of the Anglo-TEFL Scholarship program?

I loved the interactions with such a wide variety of successful people who have lived exciting and interesting lives. There is so much opportunity to learn more about an amazing country, its people and culture whilst also challenging yourself and pushing personal limits.

Ceara in Angloville

“I loved the interactions with such a wide variety of successful people who have lived exciting and interesting lives. There is so much opportunity to learn more about an amazing country, its people and culture whilst also challenging yourself and pushing personal limits.”

What was the biggest challenge?

The first few days can be challenging as people get to know each other and become comfortable with each other.

What are you planning to do now that you’ve completed the Anglo-TEFL Scholarship?

I would really like to teach English in Africa and hopefully go back to Poland again.

Would you recommend the Anglo-TEFL Scholarship to others? 

Yes I think it is a great way to meet different people and learn about their lives, passions and expertise.

Angloville Party

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Do you also want an experience like Ceara’s?

Apply for the Anglo-TEFL Scholarship and if you meet the application criteria you’ll get 120 hours of accredited TEFL training (with us, PremierTEFL) plus over 130 hours of observed teaching practice with our partners Angloville. Afterwards you’ll be fully qualified to teach English all over the world and have a wealth of practical experience that will give you an edge over other TEFL-certified teachers. Click here for more information about the program. 

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